Wednesdays 6:30-8 PM
We exist to lead students into a deeper love and understanding of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit, and in doing so prepare them to serve God now and in their soon coming adult lives.
There are three things we focus on when it comes to leading this generation.

We gather together to worship God. This happens during our Sunday morning services, and our youth service on Wednesday Night.

We believe that reading God’s Word is one of the most impactful steps a student can make in their walk with Jesus. We intentionally walk through the Bible with students to help them understand the stories, concepts, and it’s relevancy to their daily life.

Our leaders are always looking for ways to step into the lives of students. Being part of the church family is more than just showing up for a service, we want to show up for football games, grab coffee with students, and make faith in Jesus personal.

Frequently Asked Questions
What ages is Youth for?
We serve middle school and high school students from 6th-12th grade. When students enter 6th grade in the fall, we partner with parents in helping those students make the transition into Youth on Wednesday nights, as well as attending Sunday morning service with the adults.
Are rides available?
At this time we do not offer rides to students, but we have a number of students that carpool with their friends, and we encourage students to invite their friends to come to Youth with them.
What is the general flow of a youth service?
Our doors open at 6PM for students to come and hangout. We have games and activities available for them. At 6:30 PM we begin our service, which includes live worship, a message from God's Word, and discussion time in small groups. The service concludes at 8:00PM, and we close our doors at 8:30PM.
Is there food available?
Sometimes. We try to have snacks available for students before service and occasionally with have pizza or other food available, but its not a guarantee. Best practice is to eat something before you get to Youth.
What should parents do on Wednesday Nights?
We are so glad you asked! We have classes available seasonally for adults, where you can gather together and build relationships with others in our church family.
There is also opportunity for you to serve in Youth as well, we love having parents serve in Youth and invest in the lives of students. If you are interested in serving Youth, check out our serve page.
There is also opportunity for you to serve in Youth as well, we love having parents serve in Youth and invest in the lives of students. If you are interested in serving Youth, check out our serve page.
We want to not only help disciple your students, but also come alongside of you as parents! Below are some helpful resources - whether it be this year's event calendar or conversation guides for hard topics.